by shaun lawton
pedaling his bicycle.
He was not standing
on the pedals.
He was not sitting on
the velocipede seat.
In fact there was no
bicycle, which was alarming.
It turns out he wasn't even
an operator here
No Damage done.
We are just making
you aware.
There is someone working
for you not employed by you
who does not arrive to work
who does not arrive to work
on a missing bicycle.
Infirmary ward transporter
returned our patient to
the wrong room
without having done so.
without having done so.
Convalescent was found
in his bed asleep
with the rail down
with the rail down
and his cell phone
unplugged from the wall.
This victim was not on oxygen
yet and was wearing
a nasal canula
No harm done.
No harm done.
Hospice envoy failed
to be polite and smelled
faintly of Old Spice.
The courier rang our unit's buzzer
without touching the buzzer button
Staff alarmed and confused.
He was also naked while being
fully clothed. There were no wrinkles
in his clean work shirt. He shouted
at us without making a sound.
He used inappropriate body
language without moving.
We noticed his shirt
was tucked in too perfectly
No harm done.
Patient emissary did not arrive
with subject because there was no
cause for a transport at the time.
cause for a transport at the time.
We checked the sufferer's room
and confirmed they were not there.
and confirmed they were not there.
The bed was empty and the side rail
was down. We called X-ray and the case
was still getting their exam.
The carrier was actually sitting down
doing nothing during the exam.
No harm done and the courier
returned patient to their room
after the exam was over.
We stand, wondering
how to justify it all
Stop. Breathe. Fall
Don't you know how
the world's entangled?
It's undividable
inalienable a totality
whose parts mirror
death to life, we grow
Interwoven, apart.
We're justified across
this great divide
we think we see be-
'tween us, and beyond
the unbearable lightness
of being here together
now when we appear
so far and distant to be
torn apart by inequity
we fall through one slit
to drown in a mirrorball
crafted and planted for
a siamese dream split
down the seam as one;
a harlequin calamity.
~shaun lawton
A perception.
by shaun lawton
Let us begin at the heart
of it all. Right here, right now.
The only place to be in the universe.
Modern people have a tendency
to gravitate toward the cutting edge
of scientific discovery.
Yet we must take care not to lose
touch with the center of being upon
which we are all grounded.
The evolution of man describes
an atavistic circumlocution.
We perceive new incoming data.
While doing so, we tend to reject
the ancient wisdom in favor of this
new staggering paradigm.
A lot of bygone knowledge
may be ranked today among the super-
stitious and patently false, yes.
Yet a good portion of outmoded thought
still remains relevant today if we remain
open minded. For instance, the idea
that we are at the center of the universe
holds credibility in outer space.
Yet if truth were told, even
our modern conceptions
of space and time itself fall
short of the reality.
Einstein hinted at this by
indicating they are not separate,
but refer to a spacetime continuum.
Clarification sets in when one
recognizes these are words
describing a natural phenomenon.
It would serve us just as well
to replace these words
with any suitable configuration
of symbology. The words spelled
out as they appear in our lexicons
are not so important as our under
standing itself. We may better
comprehend the real nature
of our solar system and universe
by remembering this.
For instance, for an experiment
try considering that space
itself does not even
really exist at all.
Think of space as
the conceptual equivalent
of the number "zero" as it
pertains to arithmetic.
The numeral zero is not
so much a number
as it is the representation
of the absence of numbers.
In a similar fashion, space
itself may be thought of as
the intermediary area in
between matter. That is to say,
it serves us well to think of "space"
as something that doesn't actually exist,
like zero. In this example, we are left
with only "time" to consider,
something that is generated
by motion. The Earth's spin
and its motion revolving
about the Sun literally
creates time as we travel
in orbit. In this manner
we are easily led to
perceive that "time"
itself is manifested
by a physical means.
It's a productive
thought experiment
which can allow
individuals to better
comprehend our situation.
Once we realize that time
appears to be the effect
of celestial bodies in motion,
we grasp the truth.
We learn the relative
truth of our condition
existing here on this planet
circling our central star.
Recognize the veracity
of the idea we are not
merely the center of
the universe but
of existence itself.
Caught in the moment
in the eye of a storm
of humanity forming
on the event horizon
of our manifesting dream
A perception.
by Shaun Grub

art by Greg Davis
The joke of history is it isn't a mystery
to the ones who don't wanna know
It's just a string of perversions undergoing reversions
with hot pockets in the snow
When things are at their worst it starts improving
but the only real way to tell
You could be feeling better and getting sicker
while freezing intermittent in hell
It's paradisiacal and quite maniacal
the revelations heating up in your head
After cooling down a bit you think you're full of it
and don't wanna get out of bed
There ain't no one to blame ya just trying to frame you
for something that you never did
Demanding to convince everyone you exist
is just a workout like a statistical spread
Trick is never forgetting to remember
that we aren't even actually here
Its because we're moving and constantly grooving
while our proximity disappears
With the whole damn planet a-plunging onward
through the cold and sterile void
We're just under-sampling and aliasing forward
in a wagon wheel effect conjoined
In meditation we reach equilibrium to relish
stillness which we usually reject
The fact remains its not an illusion
just a mirror of the void we reflect
In trying to use tact to avoid confusion
nothing remains the anchor to our lives
We're sailing onward redressing grievance
and selling our souls down the line
So how's it possible we can even conceive
that we're usually just feeling fine
In a war torn nation caught up in cold fury
with provocations from both sides
You don't need a judge or even a jury
if you're quick enough on this ride
In paroxysms of executions compounded
with a series of nervous tics
That's not religious order nor spiritual chaos
or a random case of Tourettes
Just a sexual disease twitching from spirochetes
and that could be as good as it gets
If God created the missionary position
we came up with dancing in the streets
Its odd we're mated with nuclear fusion
and always doing what we're told
When the whole damn point of being created
is just a chance at growing old
Look at this joint do you think we're fated
with a predetermined destiny
Well it depends on just how serious
you're taking your own individuality
That's why I sing get down with me brothers and sisters
and don't you fret no more
Flip that frown in the air and if it comes down heads
don't let your tail get caught in the door
A Comprehensive Appraisal
by Shaun Lawton
I am a machine. I am an apparatus. I use and apply mechanical power. I have several parts, each with a definite function. I often use these parts together in order to perform a particular task. I am a mechanism. I am an assembly of apparatuses. I have many orders of several parts, each subset extending its own definite function. Most of the time I utilize these parts in complex combinations to perform particular tasks. I am a series of machines. I am an accumulation of mechanisms. I am a hierarchy hosting many assemblies of components, in turn introducing various subdivisions of groupings organizing combinations of assorted directories toward establishing their own specific assignments. I am a contrivance. I am a contraption of machination. I operate and administer programmed capabilities. I am in possession of a manifold of functionalities.
I am a proprietorship of a staggering array of directives, each ordinance perpetuating its own clearly defined set of operations. I am an extensive array of instruments appropriating and implementing a multitude of standardized dynamic procedures.
I have an unmistakable purpose. I have been designed to be engaged in the process of conducting a perpetual series of enterprises fashioned with explicit precision for the execution of an indiscriminate assortment of subsidiary programs accomplishing a pervasive sub-directory of heterogeneous commands calculated to bring about the construction of more vehicles like myself tailored to the overriding specifications materialized in our own subordinate formulation of perfunctory and automatically generated response stimuli. I am a catalyst for the mechanical motivation of an arrangement of appliances functioning cohesively together as a seamless meta-mechanism achieving animation within the presence of an overmind. I am a battery of minuscule characters too small for the eye to observe working together in concert into an arrangement serving as a utensil to help propagate just one of the dominant species existing on the planet. I am what has already long been considered to be a human being. I have for many eons been prearranged to reason. I have been formulated over a drawn out process to love. I am constantly programmed to think. I am a machine.

painting by Greg Davis
by Shaun Lawton
the difference between their original
conception of what tomorrow would be
and their current understanding of what yesterday was
seems to be the allowance of their own personality
with all its faults and modifications so that
an honest assessment can be made of the real
value one represents to one's self insofar as
the present situation demands the general
condition of their existence to be
and whether or not it carries with it
the strange divided penalty of only
remembering the most interesting
episodes after waking up from
a temporary malady where
microseizures have cast
a static network of almost
subordinate control over every
aspect of their waking consciousness
to the point when they finally fall to sleep
in their beds it never happens at an hour when
they could best manage the continuation of total
rest due to the constant chitterings emanating from
under the crack of the closet door allowing a ghostly
green light faintly roiling with smoke and dust
penetrating the floorboards of their bedroom
to creak and groan until feeling the commotion
shiver the termite powder from the ceiling out
of the slightest cracks with a pulverized silt
comprised of every notebook and article
of clothing ever worn in the family going
so far back as to penetrate the remotest
conduits of antiquity through the severest
Scottish keeps isolated on the dotted lakes
each one a solitary tower of confinement
for an individual convict sentenced to
calcify into another skeleton embedded
within its own bricked in tomb which
remains solely as a reminder to us all
that we better watch out for what we may
inherit because even the greatest of ordinances
may amount to a paltry sum in the receding
reflections cancelled out within the eyes
of an orphaned child standing by the side
of the road holding out a dying flower.
by Shaun Lawton
One world gone life
Above before beyond below
Imagined increments gathering deadliness
Divinity infinity proximity vicinity
Venerate generate congregate tolerate
Seventh heaven peasant kingdom
Born from torn drum
Beating bleeding feeding seeding
Congregate replicate duplicate simulate
Fraternity uncertainty hesitancy eternity
Communication insinuation intimidation assimilation
Axiogenesis biodiversity ejaculatory cryptozoology
Circumlocutionary exteriorization incompatibility industrialization
Unidirectionality autobiographitically deanthropomorphisation indistinguishability
Artificiality electromagnetism indiscernability mischaracterization
Anthropological computerization extraterrestrial decentralization
Accidentally complimentary demoralizing demonology
Biologic abberation decomposing calculation
Abstracted technical kinetic variance
Freedom fortune hazard setback
Grown stood blood form
Learning fury burning jury
Instigate consummate tournament ornament
Particular meticulous incendiant delirium
Satisfactory heliocentric immaterial parallelism
Radiological originality overpopulation reproductivity
Overenthusiastic multiculturalism internationalistic justifiability
Tetrahydrocannabinol hyperemotionality xenobacteriologic dodecadodecahedron

One world gone life
Above before beyond below
Imagined increments gathering deadliness
Divinity infinity proximity vicinity
Venerate generate congregate tolerate
Seventh heaven peasant kingdom
Born from torn drum
Beating bleeding feeding seeding
Congregate replicate duplicate simulate
Fraternity uncertainty hesitancy eternity
Communication insinuation intimidation assimilation
Axiogenesis biodiversity ejaculatory cryptozoology
Circumlocutionary exteriorization incompatibility industrialization
Unidirectionality autobiographitically deanthropomorphisation indistinguishability
Artificiality electromagnetism indiscernability mischaracterization
Anthropological computerization extraterrestrial decentralization
Accidentally complimentary demoralizing demonology
Biologic abberation decomposing calculation
Abstracted technical kinetic variance
Freedom fortune hazard setback
Grown stood blood form
Learning fury burning jury
Instigate consummate tournament ornament
Particular meticulous incendiant delirium
Satisfactory heliocentric immaterial parallelism
Radiological originality overpopulation reproductivity
Overenthusiastic multiculturalism internationalistic justifiability
Tetrahydrocannabinol hyperemotionality xenobacteriologic dodecadodecahedron
by Shaun Grub
Open your eyes wide enough to see
What the dead crawl back here to find.
What the dead crawl back here to find.
If you have to see it to believe it
I'm afraid you'll have to stay blind
I'm afraid you'll have to stay blind
In bricks of faces all held together
With a most curious mortar of eyes.
With a most curious mortar of eyes.
The future has already been set in stone.
The time it takes must be paid up front.
The time it takes must be paid up front.
Drawing towards them flies.
Shin stabbing pencil pushers.I'm dead. Wake up the dog.
There are candles in your eyes.
Fingernails are growing in the cellar.
The blind run faster when wounded.
The past will complete itself soon.
All that remains will scatter adrift.
Those asleep will not be killed.
The grandest illusion of all is change.
Like the rippling reflections of a gem
Turned between thumb and forefinger
In bricks of faces all held together
With a most curious mortar of eyes.
If you have to see it to believe it
I'm afraid you'll have to stay blind
Open your eyes wide enough to see
What the dead crawl back here to find.
within cellular insulations.
Cilia measure vibrations inside
vessels which circulate blood
throughout central nervous systems.
Optic fibers translate data
reflected through eyes into
brains which process these signals into
relatively three-dimensional images.
This occurs on a planet revolving
about a sun hosting this activity
en masse by a process which involves
the necessary transorbital positioning of
repeatedly placing these beings in between
their planet's and its star's geomagnetic cores.
When they are in between these
magnets (a position labelled "day")
there manifests a sufficient amount
of energy by which they may achieve
their daily tasks toward survival
and the continuation of their race.
While outside these magnets
(the intermediary position known as
"night") the majority manage
to rest and recharge their batteries.
If information overload has ever occurred
in the history of this sentient species,
it may best be personified by what occurs
online all over their world wide web today:
The disparity of data and how it
relates directly and indirectly to
humanity eventually collects
into extreme disproportion.
These incoming waves of daily
tidings serve as fast-moving
ticker-tapes of windows
through which individuals
may glimpse single frames
of their living skin.
Scales of the ourobouros
they are each in the process
of weaving together on their
planet looming in outer space.
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